Half-Off Memes for Sweet Tooth Sweeties Stocking Up on Half-Priced Post-Valentine’s Day Candy

Whether you had a BAE this Valentine’s Day or not, anybody with a sweet tooth can celebrate February 15th. Why is that, you ask? Because now all the holiday’s candy is on sale! Why not get yourself a heart-shaped box of chocolates? You deserve it! Why share full-priced candy when you can have half-off candy all to yourself? It’s honestly the most beautiful part of Valentine’s Day. You might say, «But it’s a holiday celebrating love, wouldn’t that be the most beautiful part?» No. Ew. You’re so cheesy. If you love someone, tell them that every day and second you can, don’t wait for some random holiday. No, Valentine’s Day is about candy and flowers. And if you have pollen allergies, then candy is the way to go, babyyyy. If you’re excited about the half-off Valentine’s Day goodies, then prepare for your tummy ache (worth it) with these half-off memes! 

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