Impassioned Employees Debate the Benefits of Cubicle Offices

Anyone who’s seen movies ranging from Fight Club to The Incredibles have been fed certain ideas about working an office job in a small, gray cubicle. It’s meant to be boring and soul-destroying, this tight monochrome box a labored metaphor for your imprisoned will to live. 

There are still many people out there who couldn’t think of anything worse than working in one of these, but they’re not all to be found on Twitter. In fact, one man was brave enough to suggest that the setup «look[s]» incredible. 

Understandably, some who replied to his tweet could not relate in the slightest. At the same time, there were numerous others who jumped to defend the idea of cubicle working. Reasoning that the open plan office was a worse invention, it has to be said that they have a point. Still, they might not feel that way if it was how they actually worked.

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