‘It was really stressful and inconvenient for me to find coverage’: Manager asks employee to pay $100 to coworker who covered her shift

I empathize with managers who struggle to get workers to cover shifts for their fellow employees. It’s so screwed up that they have to do their jobs and make sure that the business is functioning, and it’s super selfish for employees to get sick out of the blue without even asking management first! I’m messing around, but so many managers think that way. At most retail places I’ve worked, you need to find somebody to cover your shift if you can’t make it, and if you can’t find somebody, you’re square out of luck. In this tale of working woe, the manager takes responsibility for finding someone to cover the shift of an ill employee. However, instead of letting her chill out and recuperate, she asked her to pay $100 out of pocket for the person who covered her shift. Suffice it to say, that was not going to fly.

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