Karen freaks out when sleepover host mom feeds her son donuts for breakfast: ‘[You’re] going to make him obese’

Ahhhh, sleepovers. They are one of the most treasured experiences of childhood, where so many of the rules of social acceptability wear off. I went to all sorts of sleepovers in my day. I went to sleepovers where parents supplied the teens with alcohol. I hosted sleepovers where I cried if my fellow kids didn’t play as I wanted. I got with my high school girlfriend for the first time at a sleepover. I stayed up all night at a sleepover once and had to go to SAT prep afterward. I have seen everything a sleepover could offer and then some. 

As a sleepover expert, I know that no sleepover is complete without a big delicious breakfast offered the morning after. One mother recently went viral for doing just that for her 10-year-old son and his friends, and instead of being thanked for it, one of the other moms ripped her to shreds for feeding them an unhealthy breakfast. 

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