Little Girl Freaks Out After Being Forbidden From Riding a Pony, Mother Enables Her Bad Behavior

I have seen Gone With The Wind enough times to know that little girls riding ponies can have devastating consequences (Spoilers ahead for a movie from 1939). Imagine being Scarlett O’Hara, doing the long con of getting Rhett Butler to marry you after your first two husbands are killed in situations that were beyond your control. Sure, you may cheat on him and want to leave him, but you mother his daughter, and when things don’t seem like they can get any worse, she dies while riding a pony because her brilliant mind thought she could jump over a fence while riding side-saddle

That might sound like a pretty pointless tangent, and it probably is one, but it’s at least mildly connected to this story. A mother recently went viral on Reddit after sharing that she let her daughter ride her pony to school. Jealousy arose outside of the school gates, and parental conflict ensued. 

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