Main Character Auntie Steals Show at Football Game, Haters Left Speechless

The term «main character» has become an internet-favorite insult for folks who claim the spotlight without regard for anyone else. Think influencers in the wild, Karens at the drive-through, and TikTokers on busy train cars. True, this brand of people is a ripe target for roasting. They’re annoying, self-centered, and everything that’s wrong with the internet. I swear, if I have to watch one more influencer sing their coffee order to an unsuspecting barista, I’m logging off forever. 

But being a main character doesn’t have to be a bad thing if you have the charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent to pull it off. Few people do. You have to bring something really special to the table if you’re demanding attention. Like this woman at a football game, whose tambourine routine, in lesser hands, would have been a spectacle of main character syndrome. But, contrary to what the video’s creator was implying, commenters ran to her defense. 

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