‘May thy knife chip and Shatner’: 30 of the Best Star Trek Memes of the Week (April 16, 2024)

Is William Shatner a good actor? I know that this question might be completely sacrilegious amongst presumably a group of Star Trek fans, but let me explain. Acting from 60s TV shows isn’t necessarily «good» by today’s standards. It’s not like Adam West was snatching up Emmy awards back in the day, but that doesn’t mean that he’s not a beloved figure whose legacy will last forever. My dad is such a big Star Trek fan, but even he calls out William Shatner’s tendency to ham it up. When I was a kid, we went to see High School Musical: On Stage, and he said that the actor who played Coach Bolton «clearly went to the William Shatner School of Overacting.» I didn’t know who William Shatner was at the time, but now I can totally see the comparison he was making. If you are a William Shatner overacting apologist, come on down and dine on these Star Trek memes.

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