‘Me at night thinking of fantasies to get myself to sleep’: Gen Z TikTokers Advocate for the Practice of ‘Shifting’, Puzzle the Rest of the Internet

The whole point of fantasy is that it seems better than reality. The main reason for this is that it isn’t real in any way, shape, or form. It wasn’t too long ago that the general consensus was that if you wanted to realize a dream, you had to put in the work for it (if it was possible). Otherwise, you had to let it stay in your imagination.

This isn’t the case anymore in the roaring 2020s! An increasing number of people have been turned onto the wonders of manifestation, which is basically the idea that if you think about something enough in the right way it will come true. Now, though, there’s an even kookier method of getting the vision you have in your head. Shifting is a concept that has been around for a while, and was briefly popular with certain Harry Potter fans who claimed they used it to enter the wizarding universe. The whole idea is that through the power of your mind, you enter a different reality. This is no simple lucid dream. 

For whatever reason, this interesting idea has caught the attention of Twitter recently. It’s fair to say that most on the bird app are not especially impressed. While it’s fun to daydream, it’s a lot better to try and improve your life as it stands.

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