Men Share Secrets That All Men Keep From Women

Women keep a lot of secrets from men, and that’s okay! We have to have some tact in order to survive this crazy world. We can’t give all of our tricks away to the opposing team just because they «don’t understand» us. 

I’m being a little facetious; I, unlike the author of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, don’t think that men and women are completely different species who need to use super specific language to get what they want from each other. However, I do think there are thought patterns and habits that are very common in men and women that the other group might not know about. Some dudes may not know exactly why women always ask such specific questions, and that’s understandable. Men of Reddit came together to share things about men that women might not know, I learned a lot more than I would by reading a gender essentialist relationship advice book. 

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