Moments of Cringe to Make Us Feel Better About Our Own Pitiful Existence

If we’re being completely honest with ourselves, part of the appeal of watching others be embarrassing is that we get to feel better about ourselves. We’ve all had those moments that not only make us want to curl up and die, but horrify the people around us, too. What’s even better is that most of us have many more of those left in our life, too. 

It’s a horrible thought, and one that contributes to the fact that we can’t look away from other people doing and saying things that kind of want to make us poke our own eyes out. The reminder that there are others out there who can’t help but bring us a steady stream of cringe is almost comforting, once we get over the involuntary shudder. When it comes down it, a lot of these examples deserve to be looked upon with shame. Let’s try not to repeat their example, shall we?

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