Montenegro’s Got a New ‘Lying Down Champion’ And We Are Definitely Signing Up for the 2023 Competition

Lying down is a pretty essential part of life. Humans spend a third of their lives snoozing – hopefully while horizontal. If we’re being honest, a good chunk of the rest of our time is spent lying down, awake, experiencing various degrees of self-hatred or binge-watching our favorite television shows. Some people are so damn good at reclining that they feel they should be rewarded with money and/or international recognition.  In Montenegro, this desire is a reality. The country’s ‘Lying Down Competition,’ which is in its 12th year, rewards the best «liers» with money, prizes, and the title of ‘Lying Down Champion.’

This year’s champ was 38-year-old Zarko Pejanovic, and he was awarded 350 euros for the brave feat of lying down for sixty hours. He also won a rafting trip, a weekend in the ethnic village, and lunch for two in a restaurant in Podgorica. That’s a lot of prizes for someone who claims «It wasn’t difficult, I didn’t even warm up.» The truth is, he was only horizontal for about half the time of the record-setting champion who was laid down for an insane 117 hours. That’s close to a week. 

If you’re just learning about this competition today, you’re not alone. I was made aware of it thanks to a tweet from Sam Street, and it seems like many people are learning that a) Montenegrins love to laze, and b) the competition exists. Many of the reactions poked fun at people from the Balkans, while others are planning on signing up for the event ASAP. We’re in the latter, as we don’t feel comfortable making generalizations about people. But honestly, it seems like Montenegrins are proud of their anti-work philosophies. Sounds like a place we’d like to live.



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