Neighborhood Environmentalist Takes Neighbors to Court After They Cut Down the 100 Year Old White Oak Tree in Their Own Front Yard

One neighborhood resident took things way too far after her neighbors cut down the big, white oak tree in their front yard that was, one hundred percent on their property, and also, one hundred percent on its way to a better world.

What I am saying is, that the tree was proclaimed as ‘not going to make it’ by an arborist who came to check out the tree after the tree remained barren during Spring. All the other trees were sprouting leaves, but this great white oak tree was sprouting nothing. Left with not much of a choice, these good people decided to cut it down and plant a new one instead. Unfortunately, the neighborhood resident in question was a Karen, who was also an environmentalist. I would argue that those are the worst types of Karens, but then again, I have worked in retail, so… They are all bad.

In any case, Karen became a menace, uprooting their vegetables, placing herself on the tree’s grave, taking them to court… Really, quite something. It’s an entertaining read, so I will spare you the rest and allow you to scroll down and see for yourself. Then, check out this wooden table set with memes instead of manners.

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