Pushy Grandparents Harass New Parents Until They Send Pictures of Their Newborn

Pictures of newborn babies are very important currency to certain types of grandparents. Some grandparents want to wait until they meet their grandbaby in person and can do without pictures for a little while, but not the ones that recently went viral in an AITA thread. These grandparents will stop at nothing to get a picture of their grandchild, even if that means completely stressing out the new parents. It might seem like a silly thing to be so insistent about. Most newborn babies look the same, so it isn’t like they want to sus out all of the unique features the child will have and determine which parent they look most like (I look like my maternal grandfather, and it took until I was 21 to find that out). These grandparents only want to have the image so they can circulate it to everyone they know; this newborn is the visual manifestation of elderly bragging rights. 

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