Rare Insults From the Devious Wordsmiths of the Internet

Intelligence comes in many impressive flavors. You’ve got math whizzes who solve mind-boggling equations just for fun, making the rest of us question our brains’ existence. They can calculate tips at lightning speed and perform complex mental gymnastics like it’s a walk in the park. Then there are the artistic geniuses who can turn a blank canvas into a masterpiece using paints, pencils, or even discarded junk they stumble upon. I think these qualify as superpowers.

There are science nerds who effortlessly grasp the mysteries of space and time, unraveling the secrets of the universe while we struggle to find our socks. There are also people who seem like walking encyclopedias of esoteric knowledge, ready to drop truth bombs at pub trivia night and give your team the ultimate advantage. 

But you know what sort of intelligence I truly admire? The skill of crafting rapid-fire, scathing insults to take down personal foes and loathsome public figures. It’s an art form in itself, and I deeply wish I had the ability to effortlessly conjure those burning barbs of cleverness. Despite my inability to come up with creative roasts on the spot, I can enjoy them vicariously thanks to the r/rareinsults community on Reddit, and similarly themed Twitter accounts. Thanks to the people who share ‘em, we can bask in the brilliance of those hilarious and, quite frankly, inspiring jabs. And that’s just what this gallery is designed to help you do.

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