Bad roommates. It’s almost a right of passage to be stuck with a person you disdain. Whether it’s your first roommate in your dorm or a random dude subleasing a room in your home, you’ve undoubtedly experienced the titular bad roommate.
What justifies someone as a bad roommate? Is it general uncleanliness? An unfriendly attitude? Making as much noise as humanly possible throughout the night? Stealing from you? That’s the beauty of it, terrible roommates can express any given number of awful traits. Essentially, once you say to yourself, «Wow, this person really sucks,» you’re then and there the proud owner of a bad roommate.
I’ve had quite a few over the years. Of course, I know for a fact that I’ve been the bad roommate before. I can forgive most things, but one former roommate took to smashing kitchenware and pouring garbage onto home inhabitants’ beds for no explicable reason. We never found out why, but I wish him the best. That’s not even my worst roommate, just the most recent.
Whether you’re facing a bad roommate or just want to reminisce about the bad times, here are some relatable memes that will make you laugh.