Servers Share Their Worst Verbal Slip-Ups With Restaurant Customers

Working in the service industry, you’re bound to slip up here and then, and we don’t just mean accidentally pouring garlic sauce all over an unsuspecting customer. We’re talking painstakingly awkward verbal slip-ups that make you wish you had a shovel handy so you could dig yourself a hole and then go lie in it for the rest of your shift, if not the rest of your life. And no, we’re not being dramatic. Plus, we did actually pour garlic sauce all over a customer once, and when they cried out in alarm, we thought they were talking about something else, and continued to pour said sauce all over them. True story.

Most people have been through customer-serving days of some kind. Whether you worked as a receptionist, a front desk clerk, a server, or in retail, you have suffered like the rest of us. Luckily, those days are long behind us. Scroll down for a bittersweet selection of top Freudian slips from servers. For more like this, here are some embarrassing times people botched verbal attempts to impress.

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