Shakira Gets Roasted for Posting Video of Her Mopping Carpet

Celebrities aren’t exactly renowned for being the type of people who are in touch with reality. All those years of being coddled, put on a pedestal, and having access to more money than God doesn’t really breed individuals with a healthy sense of the world.

This is proven with regularity in the wacky and occasionally terrible things famous people do. It gives us nobodies something to talk about until the next news cycle, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t take issue with it now and then.

Case in point is a recent video of Shakira. The singer posted a video to TikTok yesterday, miming along to fellow musician SZA’s ‘Kill Bill’. So far, so normal for the platform, but it was her bizarre choice to dry mop the rug beneath her that really caught everyone’s attention. 

It’s no surprise that plenty of jokes were made about it, and plenty of people were kind of confused. We can’t say it isn’t entertaining, though.

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