‘Sharks existed before Saturn’s rings did’: 20+ Wild fun facts that sound fake

Like many young city dwellers, I’m a big fan of bar trivia. Probably stemming from my long-held desire to be on Jeopardy (but lack of actual knowledge necessary), I find great pleasure in getting together with a group of friends, having a beer, and trying my darndest to get as many questions right as possible. I get kind of competitive about it if I’m honest. I try to pretend like I’m being casual, but I actually really want to win. I wish failure on my competitors. I think it’s a healthy outlet. 

The foundation of a good trivia brain is a bevy of fun facts. That’s where we come in. I’ve rounded up some of the best, hardest-to-believe facts from a recent Reddit thread, and gathered them here for your edification. So if you win your local bar trivia, send me a thank you note.

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