‘She called me ‘titleless»: Recruiter gushes over applicant for 1st half of job interview, bashes her experience for the 2nd half

It’s not common for a job interviewer to tell you exactly what they think of you during the interview. You’re often left guessing whether they like you or not purely on vibes. In my experience, the vibes of the interviewer are a much more perceptive way to tell if you’re going to get the job than analyzing how you feel about your answers. I’ve walked out of interviews feeling like I did a great job, but I didn’t particularly vibe with the interviewer. Those are rarely the jobs you get, unfortunately. 

If there’s one thing worse than getting negative vibes from a recruiter, it’s getting confusing mixed signals. One job applicant got the most mixed signals of her life recently when her interviewer spent the first half of the interview gushing over her experience and the second half tearing her to shreds. Whether this was a strange new interviewing tactic or she realized she had been too explicitly nice halfway through, we’ll never know. 

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