‘She overtopped us with our own child’: Sister-in-law babysits mom’s baby for free, gets chewed out for buying a more expensive highchair

It can be so easy to compare your ability to provide for your family to others. It’s one thing to be saving your extra money and intentionally not buying your 3-month-old designer sneakers for frugality’s sake, but when you have to buy everything cheaply, it can be extremely disheartening. Even if you’re not able to give your baby the best, giving them the best you can is good enough, even if it’s hard to believe.

It famously takes a village to raise a child, and there’s nothing more helpful than family members who are willing to take help take care of your kids free of charge. One mother who works nights and weekends is lucky enough to have a childless sister-in-law who is happy to take care of her baby while she and her husband are at work. The only problem is that the mom became incredibly offended by the expensive highchair she bought, which made her think that her sister-in-law was showing her up. 

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