Sleepy Memes for Nap Queens (And Kings)

Shhhhhhh, it’s nap time. Don’t worry your little head off. We all know you have insomnia and they only time you truly get any rest is during your naptime. So what if you only intended to take a quick 30 minute nap and you woke up four hours later—that’s just your body telling you that you needed more rest. And if you are one of those expert nappers who can work in a quick 20 minute power nap like a superhero, then hell yes nap lord! Either way, whatever your napping technique is, scroll through these sleepy memes to get you in the napping mood. Be proud of your napping powers! It truly is a skill. It takes practice to nail the perfect napping technique that works for you. Don’t lose that skill! We were also given a nap time as toddlers, but wouldn’t you say we deserve it even more as adults?! I’d say so. Sweet dreams. 

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