Star Trek Memes For Discerning Trekkies (May 28, 2023)

Greetings, Trekkies. It’s really no wonder Star Trek has so many loyal fans. Gene Roddenberry’s visionary imagination birthed a universe that remains a beacon of progressiveness even to this day. From the pioneering original series to more recent, bold spinoffs Star Trek: Discovery and Strange New Worlds, these television (and cinematic) masterpieces have always championed characters and storylines that embody tolerance, curiosity, and peace.

We really can’t help but marvel at the vastness of this universe that consistently introduces us to diverse customs, cultures, and quirks. Yet, despite their differences, the myriad species of Star Trek somehow find a way to coexist harmoniously—albeit often after some interstellar turmoil. If only our own «real world» could heed the lessons of this extraordinary cosmos, we would undoubtedly be better off. Until then, maybe we’ll just have to distract ourselves with Star Trek memes. They’ve probably made the world a better place. 

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