Terrible and Hammy Memes From the Murky Depths of Facebook

Facebook is a strange place to explore when it comes to memes. It has its occasional golden moments with extremely niche meme pages, but a lot of the content that finds itself on there has been recycled many, many times before appearing on peoples’ newsfeeds. On top of that, its boomer and small town dweller predominant userbase is a veritable goldmine for cringey memes. From questionable politics to an incurable ‘not like other girls’ complex, the things that we can come across on Facebook that pass for humor are definitely an interesting arrangement of things. Nowhere knows this better than r/terriblefacebookmemes, which collects all of the most awful examples to affront both our sensibilities and our eyeballs. While we may find many of the things on this list atrocious, what’s an even worse thought is that there are individuals out there that find these funny or true. Perhaps the human race is beyond redemption.

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