‘The baby getting lit up’: Devoted dad creates home nightclub for two daughters

It’s widely accepted that to be a good parent, you have to make sacrifices that you wouldn’t have when you were blissfully childfree. What they don’t tell you is that sometimes, you can just switch it up instead. While you might not be able to tear up the dancefloor in the club every weekend when you have kids, what if you brought the club to your house? Parenthood makes this kind of lateral thinking important.

This was exactly what one TikToker’s husband did for their two kids. Revealing how they had turned a bedroom into a makeshift party space, he acted as a bouncer letting in his two daughters. 

Viewers admired his commitment to roleplay and some even wished that they were on the guestlist themselves. This might not be the kind of place to be doing shots, but it can’t be denied that it looks like it was a lot of fun.

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