The Best Animal Memes of the Week (November 18, 2023)

I’m going to be honest with you all…this is a very bug-heavy dump of animal memes, so if you’re afraid of the creepy crawlies, you can get out! Go over to dog or cat memes if you can’t handle the true freaks of the animal kingdom. 

I feel two ways about bugs because, on one hand, I have no fear of them and played with them constantly as a youngster, but I will also kill them in cold blood in my apartment. I guess it’s all about time and place for me. I take pride in being the designated bug killer of my roommates. Even when I was playing with bugs, I would always accidentally kill them. My friend Grace and I filled a wagon with dirt, tried to make a bug society, and ended up committing a ton of bug murder. If you love bugs and want to protect them from monsters like me, these animal memes might be a worthwhile venture. 

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