The Best Classical Art Memes of the Week (April 25, 2023)

There comes a point where we become curious about our past, and while digging, we may find some deeply disturbing information that we probably won’t like. The result is us kissing the ground we walk on and thanking the universe and all its gods that we were born in the 21st century because back in the day the word ‘freedom’ wasn’t really a thing. The memes below depict the dark humor of those times, mixed with modern humor (because otherwise, it’d be just plain sad). The internet is one big rabbit hole, and you’re bound to stumble across some pretty weird memes, so it’s important to know where to draw the line.

One thing we know for sure — our ancestors back in the day would not be fans of the hilarious art we’ve compiled in today’s day, AKA memes. They’d think it was at the artist’s expense, but they’d be wrong. Thanks to memes, information is spread so readily that youngsters actually know some of the painters behind the funny quote. So take that, Gen ZXHEKLADF.

For more classical art memes, you can click here to see last week’s funny collection.

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