The Best Friends Memes of the Week (April 17, 2024)

Do people actually have friend groups that resemble the group in Friends? Is the way these six people live their lives happen to anyone else in real life? I love my friends, but it is rare that I get to see them more than a couple of times a month. I also don’t actually have a ‘friend group’, I just have 1 or 2 friends from each era of my life that I see on totally separate occasions. Plus, I have no idea who my neighbors are, and I have barely said more than a sentence to them in the 2 years in which I lived in my apartment.

So yeah, my life is in no way, shape or form anything like the life of the friends in Friends, and I am curious to know if there are actual people out there who can relate to what these guys are doing on the show.

Relatable or not, Friends is awesome, and Friends memes are even better. Scroll down to enjoy a collection of the funniest Friends memes. After that, click here for some more hilarious relatable memes. 

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