The Best Harry Potter Memes of the Week (September 12, 2023)

There are a lot of different interpretations of the Harry Potter characters by fans. I know that many people see Draco Malfoy as a victim of circumstance instead of a racist bully who survived the story’s events by sheer dumb luck. My theory is that this charitable interpretation of his character is due to many fans having a crush on Tom Felton, the actor who plays Draco in the movies, and I don’t think it’s a controversial take. I can live with the fan theory that Draco is secretly depressed or crushed under the weight of expectations of having to Avada Kedarva Dumbledore. What I won’t stand for is fans interpreting that Draco is an emo. That boy is posh, and no amount of Death Eater or Slytherin aesthetics will change that. He is a rich, posh daddy’s boy, and I will not allow thirstiness to erase that. If you also have strong feelings about Draco, these Harry Potter memes will have you screaming «POtaah» by the end of them. 

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