The Best Heartwarmingly Wholesome Memes and Posts of the Week (August 17, 2023)

Attention all misanthropes. I have a proposal for you: how about you don’t feel like that sometimes? It’s difficult, I know, I’m usually one of you. However, the benefits of a little carefully dosed positivity cannot be overstated.

I understand that if you’re depressed, being bossed about by the introduction to a list of memes isn’t going to make you jump out of bed like Grandpa Joe in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It’s not meant to, though! All I require of you is to stay right where you are. 

Wholesome memes are a foolproof way to bring a smile to even the crankiest face, because they’re just full of so much goodness. Also, it’s not a prerequisite that you need to be miserable to look at them. Whatever mood you’re in, using memes to be a tiny bit happier is no crime. In fact, I must actively encourage it. 

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