The Best Memes on This Side of the Internet

Hold it right there. Before you go any further, let me just say that I’m glad you’re here. I appreciate you. No matter what you’ve got going in your life, just know that your dedication to memes has not gone unnoticed, and it’s people like you who make the internet such a fun and exciting place. Even if you’re the kind of person who immediately hits up the comment section to smugly point out which memes are old because you saw them on Reddit a few weeks ago, even if you’re that guy who comments «I thought this was MEMEbase» on any post even slightly deviating from your arbitrary idea of what counts as a «meme,» even if you’re an elderly longtime follower whose sole purpose in life is to remind us how the website used to be different several years ago, you’re always welcome here on Memebase dot com. Because in a way, our haters are our strongest supporters, and I think that’s beautiful. Don’t forget to tell us what you think of these funny memes in the comment section!

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