The Best Relatable Work Memes This Week (August 15, 2022)

What takes up a minimum of forty hours of our week, is what most of us rely on to survive, and frequently puts many of us in the pits of despair? You guessed it, it’s a full time job! Whether you are in a role that is actually needed in society or you are firmly a member of the «this could have been an email» crew, most of us can agree that working is tiring, stressful, and something that most of us don’t get enough of a break from. 

It’s easy to get consumed by work in even the most menial of jobs, dealing with everything from the schedule, to unpaid overtime, to dodging toxic office politics. That’s why it is easy to justify taking some time from whatever you’re doing to look at a handful of memes. So long as they are related to work, you can tell yourself that you’re basically doing what you’re supposed to be anyway. 

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