The Cringiest Parenting Texts of the Week (December 12, 2023)

I am continually baffled by how some parents talk to their kids, particularly their daughters, about their bodies. I was lucky not to grow up in a household where my mom was constantly calling me fat, but I certainly knew some girls whose moms did exactly that. They are, what we digital natives call «almond moms.»: According to ABC, «almond moms» are

«…mom[s] who is a little bit bought into diet culture. A little bit of an obsession with healthy eating, with her body image, with her daughter’s body image. Maybe a little bit of an obsession with fitness. But it tends to veer on the side of overdoing it.»

The almond mom community can be a precarious one to criticize because there will always be someone coming out of the woodwork to say, «Those moms have eating disorders! Why are you criticizing someone for having an eating disorder into their 40s and 50s.» To that, I say it’s one thing to have a disorder, but to know to give one to your child is pretty reprehensible. If you are used to getting this kind of feedback from your mother, these parenting texts might hit a bit too close to home. 

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