The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (October 20, 2022)

One of the most interesting concepts I’ve learned about from being on the parenting side of social media is a little phenomenon called «mom shaming.» Mom shaming occurs when someone criticizes a mom for how she chooses to raise her family. When I look at «mom shaming,» I see it as a cyclical problem. We have a group of moms posting their parenting decisions online in great detail, presumably so that strangers can observe their parenting style. Then, we have a group of viewers of this content who comment their opinions on the parenting style, often negatively. These comments are followed by Group A accusing Group B of «mom shaming» them, even though they were the ones who invited others to comment on the minutiae of their lives in the first place. All I’m saying is nobody is stupid enough to post that they’re naming their daughter «Poot» without knowing the response they’re going to get. One of my favorite things about the parenting side of Twitter is that «mom shaming» does not exist there. Everybody is just sharing funny anecdotes about their kids and not taking life too seriously: there’s no shame, and there’s so much gain.

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