The Most Entertaining Takes From TikTok This Week (July 4, 2023)

Growing up with unfettered access to screens has made much of Gen Z kind of dumb about technology. They’ve never had to learn the struggle of torrenting their favorite tunes, and many have no idea how to perform basic functions on the average PC

Also, they think it’s entirely normal and desirable to overshare on social media. This can be seen in excruciating detail on every other young person’s favorite platform, TikTok. Crazy story times and embarrassing moments can be seen everywhere over there. 

While that might not a good thing, it can’t be denied that it is an essential part of the special sauce that gets us hooked on the clock app. Even if you’re no fan of sharing your face with the frequency of a TikToker, it’s easy to be fascinated with some of the things they have to say. Presented here in screenshot form, to make it even more of a low effort scroll. 

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