The Sweatiest Memes for Moist Folks Dreading the Inevitable Humidity This Summer

Ahhh yes, the hot days of summer are finally making appearances and oh lawdy are we ready for them! There is just one thing though that isn’t fun… The sweating. Why must there be humidity? And if we’re being honest, as long as the sun is out and we’re moving, we’re sweating. But if there is humidity? Wow, forget it. It’s like we just took a nice long walk under a waterfall. Why can’t the humidity just stay in heII where it belongs?? Why must it come with the sweet summer days and ruin all the fun. Like, we’d like to enjoy wearing the reds and greens of the holiday season during the summertime, but noOoOoOoOo summer is like, ‘you can, but you’re going to have sweat stains as if it were you favorite accessories…» Alas, us sweaty people just have to embrace the truth and just be the sweaty person. You’ve tried all the deodorants, DIY tips and tricks, and maybe even Botox injections. Nothing seems to work, at least not in the long run. So now we’re just the person who also has the pit stains. Maybe we should start a Stained over band?… No, never mind, bad idea. Let’s just enjoy these memes together

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