Tolkien Tuesday: The Best Lord of the Rings Memes This Week (December 12, 2023)

One of the best unintended consequences of the complete Lord of the Rings extended edition being over 12 hours long is that there is a true wealth of material from which to pull screenshots for stupid memes. With a lot of love and effort, a dedicated meme maker could detail the entirety of the relatable human experience by going through every single scene and pulling it out of context. That’s before we even think about doing things the other way around, and start slotting Tolkien references into established formats that the whole internet enjoys.

In this way, it’s easy to see how LOTR memes have managed to persist for this long. Also, even with far shorter movies the fandom would somehow figure out a way to milk them for endless funny images. Such is the ingenuity of funny Tolkien nerds, and for that we’re thankful. See below for more of the usual. 

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