Top 10 Best Dear Abby Advice Column Responses That Left Readers Speechless

When people are in a bind, it’s sometimes tough to make the right decision. That’s why, in 1956, Dear Abby, the most famous (or notorious) advice column was born. 


With her slicing wit, quick responses, and drop-the-mic attitude Pauline Phillips, under the pen name «Abigail Van Buren», absolutely crushed giving advice to strangers about a whole myriad of problems. 


Are you in the love with two boys ? Abby’s got you. Are you wishing that wife-spanking was legalized nationwide? Abby’s going to let you know what she thinks about that. Is twerking going to ruin your son’s prospects of ivy-league graduation day? Abby is here to tell it to you straight. 


So here is a homage to the best of the best of Dear Abby, reminding us that wisdom is often swift, true, and it stings a bit. 

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