Trickster Parent Epically Pranks Kids Playing Ouija, Triggering Mixed Reactions

In a hilarious TikTok posted by @wrrsfhherafb, a parent pranks a bunch of kids in the middle of a spooky Ouija session by making the lights turn off and on using the circuit breaker (cue screaming children). Pretty brilliant. While most people praised the parent for their legendary pranking skills, other’s weren’t so amused, especially the people who believe Ouija boards can literally summon evil spirits.

While @wrrsfhherafb was the one who uploaded the video that went viral, their TikTik appears to be a repost, so the identity of the parent who pranked their daughter and her friends is still unknown. From here on out, we’ll refer to the parent as «OP» rather than @wrrsfhherafb.

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