Twitter Dweeb Gets Clowned for Claiming That Having 130 IQ is «The greatest tragedy»

I don’t think I’ve ever done an actual IQ test. As somebody who has always had a vendetta against exam results and other supposedly objective units of knowledge measurement, I could never be tempted by all those online quizzes that claim to rank you in the grand scheme of human intelligence.

Because of this, I’ve always been baffled by those 4chan-adjacent weirdos who find a reason to drop their score into every other pointless online argument they have. It doesn’t exactly win friends, and there’s always the risk that someone has a bigger number than you. Maybe I’m just too dumb, but I’d rather be judged by the depth of my explanation than an arbitrary figure.

I’m not alone in this, judging by the reaction to one particularly annoying tweet. When some bozo decided to share that they thought the biggest tragedy in life was having an IQ between 125 and 135, people were quick to disagree. Intelligence will always be more than just a number.

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