Wholesome boomer husbands paint their wives, get applauded by the internet: ‘Wife guys have been the backbone of the art world for centuries’

Not too long ago, there was a trend on TikTok where couples would have a date night where they sit down and paint one another, then reveal the results to their partner. It sparked a whole round of discourse after many men who partook in the challenge made conspicuously unflattering creative decisions when making a likeness of the woman in their lives.

The discussion was a pretty bleak reflection on many peoples’ relationships, so it’s nice to see that social media has come up with an antidote to these dudes. This comes in the form of a painfully wholesome Facebook community Older Artists Group

This gained attention on Twitter after somebody highlighted all the instances of older men who created beautiful artwork for and about their wives. It won’t surprise anybody that the whole enterprise was heartwarming, and people had nothing but positive things to say about it. Talk about relationship goals.

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