Wholesome Memes and Some Happy Things For People Who Need Good Vibes

Ever find yourself sitting around, thinking about life and feeling like it’s pointless? Perhaps it feels like a thankless charade in which your sole purpose is to benefit «the man,» make rich people richer and suffer in your shoebox apartment. Perhaps all of your loved ones are gone, and you’re feeling lonely. Maybe work just sucks, or you can’t seem to shake this dreaded cold that has overtaken your aging body, making you feel decrepit, disillusioned, and deeply depressed. Whatever the case, chances are that a little wholesomeness could do you some good. 

See, the world might be a cruel place, but every now and then we are reminded that it’s not all bad. There are still reasons to smile, and they range from someone sneakily paying for your morning coffee to human interest stories about people adopting pets. It may not feel like it all the time, but there is still some good in the world, and we’ve got the proof right here.

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