Wildest Posts From the Depths of Facebook (September 24, 2023)

When the fateful day comes, Millennials and Gen Xers will be sitting in the nursing home boring some poor underpaid carer about the glory days of Facebook. Remember when people used to upload 200 photo strong albums from a singular house party, all taken on a digital camera, or when the lovelorn used to update their relationship status to ‘It’s Complicated’? What a world a way we are from those days now.

Perhaps that’s a good thing. Being a regular Facebook user has never been very flattering. At the same time, the direction in which social media has developed since is in a lot of ways less fun, and more heavy duty. There’s also still a good amount of entertaining and/or deranged stuff on Mark Zuckerberg’s platform, if you know where to look. Let this list remind you of some of the dubious highlights, to reminisce on in the years to come.

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