‘With HER own card’: Manager makes hotel desk worker pay for a guest’s room when he refuses to

Businesses and their owners take on more of the risk and, in return, take more of the reward, paying workers a small portion of the value of their production and taking the rest for providing the means. This is the basis of a capitalist system and the argument used by your boss for why he’s not giving you a raise, despite the fact that he himself just bought another new Porsche and vacations in Monaco every summer.

It’s true; when you’re working for a business instead of starting your own, there’s a lot less capital risk involved (not that most of us have the capital to risk in the first place)—that is, until your manager suddenly asks you to put down your own personal card against a guest’s room when they refuse to put their own card against the room.

There’s good customer service, there’s keeping customers happy—and then there’s this. There’s no point where this is an acceptable thing for a manager to request of their worker, and there needs to be some serious evaluation of how this manager even ended up in this position.

Next, read about this Karen, who tried to get a front desk clerk fired.

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