Witty Introvert Memes for Eager Outsiders Who Always Leave the Party Early (April 13, 2023)

After a Friday night out, it takes a true introvert at least 1-2 business months to recover. Yes, business months. We’re talkin’ 30-60 days people. Honestly, after making small talk with all of your buddy’s acquaintances from college, it’s exhausting to try and remember everybody’s name, their careers, and the drink they were stirring to avoid extended eye contact with you. It’s the small talk that is the crime here. Frankly, introverts aren’t going to remember anything about you except the color of your shirt (ie: blue polo shirt guy or green fluffy blouse girl) and the way that you dragged out the conversation. Let’s just end the chit chat people, nobody likes it, nobody wants it, and it’s basically like a slow poison to an introvert, withering them away like a cancer until their social battery recharges in the aforementioned 30-60 days to achieve complete recovery. So to your follow up invitation for brunch tomorrow, the answer is ‘absolutely not’.

Want to check out last week’s batch of introvert memes? Click here to avoid that social gathering you’re supposed to be getting ready for.

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