Workers Fantasize About Funemployment in Relatable Thread

In 2020, the U.S. unemployment rate skyrocketed to 14.8% due to the Covid-19 lockdown. Although the country is slowly recovering, many are still struggling to find reliable work. But is it the ‘work’ itself that civilians desire or is it self-determination and financial security? Of course it’s the latter. The stress that comes with unemployment is hellish when you don’t have a safety net, but for those fortunate enough to be in the position to say ‘hell no’ to work for an extended period of time, the experience can be absolutely joyous.

Comedian @_RobertSchultz often tweets about the painfully relatable annoyances of working full time and his recent quip about ‘gaps in the resume’ hit home for a lot of people. Spending time away from work while maintaining financial freedom can open one’s life up to an array of new possibilities and everyone should get the opportunity to experience an extended stress-free break. Let’s get those ‘f*ck it’ funds started!

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