Wrestling and Wrestler Memes For Long-Time Wrestling Fanatics

I really miss wrestling. I know, I know.  Technically it’s still around, but there was something about the eras of Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, and Macho Man Randy Savage that we yearn for bitter-sweetly. The colors, the pageantry. The hilarious feuds. It all came together in the perfect show of absolute stupidity. While we can still find videos on Youtube, another way to get the nostalgia going is by scrolling through Instagram and reddit. All the «wrasslin’ memes» feature stills of all our favorite wrestlers of yore – paired with painfully relatable and comedic captions. It’s not quite like I’m going back in time, watching wrestling videos in my ex-boyfriend’s tour van, but it’s the closest I can get. And that should count for something. 


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