«Y’all really be living IBS free»: Viral Midwestern Recipe for McDonald’s Dessert Casserole Generates Mixed Opinions

The internet has made the Midwestern American diet into stuff of legend. There is a woman on TikTok who has built an entire online brand on making «salads that aren’t really salads», all of which seem to consist of cool whip, tinned fruit, and candy doled out in varying proportions. 

To say the stereotypical Midwestern person has a sweet tooth is an understatement, or at least that’s what they keep trying to prove on social media. A recent viral video has only underlined this assumption, prompting debate among Twitter users with its creative approach at dessert making.

The clip shows a group of women putting together a concoction made up of various items from the McDonald’s menu while in their car. The whole thing almost reads like rage-baiting recipe video, but many who watched it didn’t seem to feel that way. Whatever you think of the end result, the ingenuity can’t be denied.

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