‘You can’t always get what you want’: Woman refuses to give a demanding kid her donut at birthday party, leading to her being forced to leave

You know those parents who still act like children themselves, and then end up setting a terrible example to their kids? They spoil them to no end and teach them to act as petty and entitled as they do. And then, when those kids have children of their own, the cycle unfortunately continues.

The mother in this Reddit story is the perfect example of these kinds of parents. OP (original poster) turned to Reddit after a frustrating encounter with this mother. OP was invited to a friend’s birthday party and decided to bring donuts with her. One of those donuts was a gluten-free (GF) donut that she bought for her GF husband. One of the kids at the party went to take the GF donut but OP stopped him, explaining that the donut belonged to her husband but offered him to take a different one. The kid started crying, insisting on getting the one donut he couldn’t have. His mom, instead of educating the kid that he can’t always get what he wants, started arguing with OP and insisting that she give him the GF donut.

Scroll down to read the rest of the story. After that, click here for a silly collection of random memes.

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