‘You need to grow up’: Woman refuses to talk to roommate about apartment issues, gets her mom to text roommate’s mom instead

Having your parents solve all of your problems can sure sound like a nice way to avoid everything you don’t want to do yourself. We all know how tough mothers can be when it comes to their children, and sometimes it’s just easier to let them handle things. But if you are over the age of 20, unfortunately, you are going to have to face your own challenges without your mom by your side. 

The girl in this Reddit story let her mom try and confront her roommate, and it certainly did not make her look like a mature person. OP (original poster), has been living with a roommate for quite some time, and apparently, the roommate has been having issues with the fact that OP’s boyfriend comes over to their place. But instead of talking to OP about it like proper adults, she has her mom text OP’s mom to try and sort this out.

Scroll down to read the full story. After that, click here for a collection of funny ‘How did humans discover this was edible’ moments.

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