‘You saved my wedding…’: Hotel clerk turns into therapist when approached by bride with cold feet the night before her wedding

Not all heroes wear capes, some work as front desk clerks in random hotels. 

I got married when I was pretty young, and even though I didn’t actually have a case of cold feet the night before my wedding, I did have my doubts. Call me dramatic, but getting married is a huge decision, and whether or not you stay married for your whole life, this decision affects every part of your life forever.

This wholesome story proves that good people can be in every corner, and they can help you out with overwhelming decisions, like getting married. This front desk employee was approached by a bride who was getting married the next day, she was really upset and started crying in front of the clerk. She then told the clerk that she didn’t think she was ready to get married tomorrow. The sweet clerk listened to the bride’s story and concerns and then processed to help her see that she was probably just getting cold feet.

Scroll down to read how this story ended. When you finish this story, click here for a funny collection of Friends memes.

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